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Finding the right IoT solution for your business

When investing in IoT, it's crucial to determine your company's expertise, control, and pricing requirements before buying into a SaaS or a PaaS model. Read this infographic to get a better understanding of how each model may impact your organization, then contact TeraCloud, Inc. to get started with #Microsoft #IoT.

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It’s no secret that IoT is revolutionizing business around the world. However, investing in IoT is not as simple as investing money in new platforms or applications. The real challenge lies in finding a model that works for your business and adjusts to your organization’s focus and competitive advantage. In other words, it’s the opposite of a one-size-fits-all approach, and making the wrong choice can have profound consequences that can take years to overcome.

In this infographic, we’ll cover the distinctions between Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service models, as well as explain the main variables that can determine where your business stands when choosing one of these models.

View: Finding the right IoT solution for your business

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