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A company crazy about chocolate, serious about people, uses Microsoft Teams to build personal relationships

Dutch startup Tony’s Chocolonely grew out of a journalist’s exposé of child slave labor in the cocoa industry and his dream of making the chocolate trade slavery-free. The Amsterdam-based company grew quickly, but its original collaboration apps didn’t support its international expansion or its work-life balance ideals. Teams enables Tony’s Chocolonely workers to communicate on […]

Solution overview video

Cloud Migration Services

This video highlights the many ways Microsoft Teams can help your business inspire collaboration, reduce costs and risks, and deepen engagement.

Social Asset 7: Subscribe

Microsoft Teams can help you stay connected to your team with engaging digital meetings. Subscribe now to learn more.

Collaborate with Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams infographic

Every day, 20M+ workers actively use #MicrosoftTeams, the digital hub where teams can meet, call, and chat. Learn how @Microsoft is enabling workplace productivity with this infographic:

Protect the Privacy of Your Microsoft Teams Meetings

Image of

With the increased usage of @Microsoft Teams to conduct virtual meetings, the need for tactical best practices to protect your privacy from intruders is also on the rise. Check out this article and update your Teams settings to find easy ways to keep you secure!

Create and use private channels in Microsoft Teams

Private channels in Microsoft Teams infographic

With @Microsoft Teams private channels, you can select specific people and have focused, private conversations without interrupting the workflow of the rest of your team. Check out this Microsoft Teams tutorial video to create private channels as you work remotely!

Social Asset A: Expand Collaboration

Microsoft Teams Infographic

Discover how @Microsoft Teams customizes and expand collaboration while working remotely, keeping your team engaged, connected, and secure. Subscribe here!