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Up-to-Date infographic

Azure SQL Infographic

Spend less time on maintenance and more time on creation and innovation when you use #Microsoft #Azure SQL database. Its intelligent databases are always up to date with unique, built-in resource management and governance. Learn more with this infographic:

HPE Super 6: Unlock Data with AI

Unlock Data with AI Infographic

60% of businesses don’t have a formal digital transformation strategy. If you’re part of this group, check out this infographic to learn how AI-driven storage accelerates data transformation and enables you to overcome key challenges to adopting and optimizing AI.

FINNING | Customer Value of Self-Service IoT Apps on the Azure Cloud

Azure Cloud Video

Finning, the second largest supplier of Caterpillar machinery in the world, was determined to deliver unified and intuitive client experiences across applications. Watch how Microsoft #AzureCloud enabled this crucial step in its digital strategy, then contact TeraCloud, Inc. to learn how Azure can benefit your organization.